Tips on How to Prepare Your Vehicle for Inspection Before Registration Renewal

Automotive Blog

Renewing your vehicle registration is compulsory for you to be able to drive your vehicle in Australia. The Department of Transport allows vehicle owners to renew their vehicle registration up to three months before expiry.  However, to get the licence renewed, your vehicle must be inspected to ensure that it is roadworthy and in compliance with Australia's vehicle safety laws. If your vehicle fails the inspection, you will not be allowed to renew your registration.

14 November 2016

Buying a Refrigerated Van? Avoid These 4 Costly Mistakes

Automotive Blog

The effective performance of your refrigerated vans depends on how well you designed the specifications for the body of those vans. This article discusses some costly mistakes that you should avoid making as you describe the specifications of your new refrigerated van. Forgetting the Impact of Insulation on Available Space Consider the dimensions of the loads that you will be transporting before you order for a refrigerated van having certain interior dimensions.

14 October 2016

What You Stand to Lose If You Don't Take Your Car in for a Service

Automotive Blog

There are several good reasons why you should consider taking your car in for a regular service check and some of them you probably won't have thought about. So why do people procrastinate and what do you stand to lose if you're being reticent in terms of booking your car in? Don't Rely on Government Checks If you have recently been in for a "safety" – aka a vehicle safety check in some states and territories – don't be fooled into thinking that your vehicle has been given an all clear from a service perspective.

15 September 2016

Five Points to Consider When Looking for a New Bonnet for Your Race Car

Automotive Blog

If you are restoring an old car to use it as a race car, you should keep special points in mind when choosing a new bonnet. Here are some ideas to consider. Ultimately, the type of bonnet you select depends on your objectives and personal preferences: 1. Consider a custom made bonnet. If you want your car in pristine condition, mirroring the way it looked when it rolled off the factory floor, you may want to look for a bonnet made by the original manufacturer.

18 August 2016

The Importance of Your Vehicle's Automatic Transmission Fluid

Automotive Blog

The transmission is perhaps the most important part of your vehicle, as it makes sure that the power from the engine is transferred to the wheels and that it's properly distributed among them. Most transmission problems can't be felt or heard -- no weird sound will come from your engine. Because of that, people aren't really able to address transmission issues, which, in turn, will lead to transmission failure. To prevent that, you should regularly check the transmission fluid and make sure it's in working condition.

29 July 2016

Signs That Your Vehicle Requires Diff Repairs

Automotive Blog

A vehicle's differential functions to transmit torque. In addition to this, the differential is responsible for allowing the vehicle's wheels to rotate at varying speeds. This variation in rotation enhances the vehicle's traction on the road while also keeping it stable when maneuvering corners. As such, the differential is an essential component when it comes to controlling your vehicle. However, some motorists do not know how to recognize the signs that their vehicle requires diff repairs.

12 July 2016

Safety and Towing Tips for Bad Weather Driving

Automotive Blog

Bad weather or not, everyone has errands to run and daily targets to meet. The commitments and responsibilities make driving in snow, ice, or during heavy rain inevitable. All these weather elements have a way of messing up the roads and making driving difficult. It gets worse if you get into an accident due to poor road visibility or your vehicle breaks down. While such situations are stressful, they often happen.

27 June 2016

Know the Signs That You Need New Tyres

Automotive Blog

Your car tyres may be more important to your safety and to the mechanics of your car than you realise. Many car owners put off getting new tyres for as long as possible simply because they assume they can keep driving on them as long as they aren't flat, but this can be a mistake. Note a few signs that your car might need new tyres and why it's so important to replace or repair them when necessary.

27 May 2016

Why You Should Choose Polyurethane Castor Wheels


People who would like to order for specialised castor wheels for industrial applications now have a variety of castor wheel materials to choose from, such as steel, polyurethane and iron. This article discusses some key reasons why you should choose castor wheels made from polyurethane. Noise Attenuation Polyurethane acts as a shock absorber that reduces the noise made by castor wheels as they move over industrial floors. This noise absorption protects your employees from suffering from hearing loss due to exposure to high noise levels at the workplace.

26 May 2016

How to Troubleshoot a Car Battery

Automotive Blog

When your car won't start or you notice that many of its electrical components seem to be drained and run slowly, it may be time for a new car battery. However, in some cases you may not be taking care of the battery properly and are allowing it to drain more quickly than it should, or it may be something else under the hood that is causing the problem. Note a few quick troubleshooting tips for your car and its battery so you know where to begin addressing the problem.

12 May 2016