I Like Driving in my Car

Hello, my name is David. Welcome to my blog. There is nothing I like more than hitting the open road and going for a drive in my car. I have always loved everything to do with automobiles. When I was a boy, I had a collection of 208 different toy cars which I would play with all day long. As soon as I was old enough, I began taking driving lessons and the day I passed was the best day of my life. Although I am not a mechanic, my dad taught me lots of neat tricks so I can keep my car in top condition. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Know the Signs That You Need New Tyres

Automotive Blog

Your car tyres may be more important to your safety and to the mechanics of your car than you realise. Many car owners put off getting new tyres for as long as possible simply because they assume they can keep driving on them as long as they aren't flat, but this can be a mistake. Note a few signs that your car might need new tyres and why it's so important to replace or repair them when necessary.

1. Rubber cracking on the outside

If there is cracking on the outside of the tyres, this can be a danger no matter the condition of the tread. That outside rubber can easily split or burst, and you could have a blowout. Usually the rubber starts to crack as the tyres get older, and there is often little you can do to repair them at this point; it is best to replace them because of their age and to ensure your tyres stay intact when you're on the road.

2. Skidding on both sides while braking

If your car skids to one side while braking, this can be a problem of uneven wear on a tyre on that side. You might be able to rotate and balance your tyres to address this, as this will put the side of the tyre with useable tread on the opposite side of your car. However, if your car skids or slides to either side while braking, this usually means that all your tyres are worn down. There is not enough tread to grip either side of the road when this happens, and the tyres are usually not salvageable with a simple rotation and balance.  

3. Thumping on one side of the car

If your car makes any type of thumping sound on one side, this can be bad bearings or a bad shock, but it can also mean the tyre on that side is very worn down. There is not enough rubber to keep it from thumping when you hit a bump. Uneven wear can also mean that it's not as round as it should be, as one side of it wears down sooner than the others, creating a slightly flat space. This might cause that thump as you drive. You might also notice that the tyre seems to scrape when you turn the car if it has a flat area that doesn't lift it from the road. For more information, contact a business such as O'Neills Tyres.


27 May 2016