I Like Driving in my Car

Hello, my name is David. Welcome to my blog. There is nothing I like more than hitting the open road and going for a drive in my car. I have always loved everything to do with automobiles. When I was a boy, I had a collection of 208 different toy cars which I would play with all day long. As soon as I was old enough, I began taking driving lessons and the day I passed was the best day of my life. Although I am not a mechanic, my dad taught me lots of neat tricks so I can keep my car in top condition. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Why You Should Choose Polyurethane Castor Wheels


People who would like to order for specialised castor wheels for industrial applications now have a variety of castor wheel materials to choose from, such as steel, polyurethane and iron. This article discusses some key reasons why you should choose castor wheels made from polyurethane.

Noise Attenuation

Polyurethane acts as a shock absorber that reduces the noise made by castor wheels as they move over industrial floors. This noise absorption protects your employees from suffering from hearing loss due to exposure to high noise levels at the workplace. This is in sharp contrast to castor wheels made from other materials, such as steel, that emit high noise levels.

Better Floor Protection

Polyurethane castor wheels can also help to protect the floors of your industrial complex from being damaged as materials are moved from one part of the industrial floor to another. As the wheels move under the loaded trolley, the polyurethane particles enlarge and occupy a large space than when the trolley is not loaded. This larger surface area spreads out the weight of the load so that the floor is protected from the impact of most of that weight. In this way, the floor will not suffer as much damage as it would have suffered if the wheels had been made from a rigid material, such as iron, that does not spread out the weight of the load over a large surface area.

Better Aesthetics

Specialised polyurethane castor wheels can be moulded in any colour that you want. This can allow you to make your brand stand out since visitors and clients will see that all your equipment bears the same colours as the other marketing materials, such as branded trucks.

Corrosion Resistance

Another key benefit of choosing polyurethane castor wheels for your industrial complex is that the material has a high degree of resistance to water and chemical attacks. Thus, the wheels are likely to last much longer than wheels made from materials that are susceptible to moisture or chemical damage, such as iron.

Superior Load Capacity

Rubber may protect your floors in addition to emitting lower noise levels. However, polyurethane goes a step further by having a superior load bearing capacity. Thus, trolleys having polyurethane castor wheels will be able to carry heavier loads without wearing out as quickly as trolleys with rubber castor wheels.

Discuss the information above with your provider of specialised castor wheels. He or she will help you to compare those advantages to the advantages of castor wheels made from other materials. It will then be easy for you to pick the best specialised castor wheels for your needs.


26 May 2016