I Like Driving in my Car

Hello, my name is David. Welcome to my blog. There is nothing I like more than hitting the open road and going for a drive in my car. I have always loved everything to do with automobiles. When I was a boy, I had a collection of 208 different toy cars which I would play with all day long. As soon as I was old enough, I began taking driving lessons and the day I passed was the best day of my life. Although I am not a mechanic, my dad taught me lots of neat tricks so I can keep my car in top condition. I hope you enjoy my blog.

How To Have A Well-Kept Windscreen

Automotive Blog

Many of us don't give much thought to our car windscreens until they get chipped or cracked and need replacing. But it's important to take care of this vital component of your vehicle, and you should do a bit more than giving it a weekly wipe down when you wash your car.

Make sure it's squeaky clean

Once you've got off the grime with a sponge and some shampoo and used a chamois to clear away the excess water after rinsing it off, you should use a glass cleaner on your windscreen to achieve a streak-free shine.

You may need to use a specialist cleaning product for car windscreens, which will get rid of traffic film. This is a coating of contaminants from the road, which accumulate on the surface of the windscreen and includes substances such as soot, oil, tar and brake dust.

Repel the rain

Your wipers will have less work to do if you coat your clean windscreen with a rain repellent. This is readily available in car accessories shops, and it should be applied with a microfiber cloth according to the manufacturer's instructions. Once it has dried, it will form a barrier between the rain and the glass, causing the water to run off the windscreen.

Wipe out worn blades

Wiper blades have a tough job to do, so it's no wonder they wear down after a while. They also get coated in dirt from the road, just like windscreens.

If your windscreen smears when you use your wipers, change the blades and you will notice the difference immediately – your windscreen will be much clearer. It will also be less likely to get scratched because the new blades won't have grit stuck in them.

Don't forget the interior

Windscreens have two sides, and it's important to pay attention to the inside, too. This may not be exposed to the same contaminants as the exterior surface, but if your pollen filter is dirty, there might be a coating of pollen on the glass – and if anyone smokes in your car, there will be smoke residue, too.

Changing the pollen filter and not smoking in your car will solve these problems, but there's also dirt and grease from fingers that might get on the glass, for example, if you're de-misting the windscreen with a cloth. You can reduce the chance of your windscreen misting up on the inside – and keep it clean, of course – by using glass cleaner regularly and by applying an anti-fogging substance with a microfiber cloth.

For more information, contact a business such as Austral Windscreens.


20 November 2014